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The World's First pipe-within-a-pipe recirculation system.

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Winners of


CIBSE: Building Performance Awards

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National Technology Awards

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Institute of Water (Scotland)

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National Building and Construction Awards

Finalists in


Building Controls Industry Association


Better Society Energy Awards


Construction News Awards


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Paul McDermott

 The way in which water is distributed within the built environment has a profound effect on water safety.  Keeping hot water hot and cold water cold is a fundamental element in managing the risks of exposure to harmful microorganisms that can develop in water systems and is perhaps of greatest significance in healthcare premises.  A number of new hospital designs now incorporate circulating cold water as well as hot water systems and this is certainly a step in the right direction.  The truly innovative pipe-within-a-pipe Eco-Duo design will only serve to improve the safety of hot and cold water in hospitals and anywhere else that it is installed.

World Infection Control Practitioner and Microbiologist

You can find Eco Duo at:

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