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12 Facts About Legionella

David McEwan

12 Dec 2022

Here are 12 interesting facts about Legionella!

As we are approaching Christmas, we have complied a list of 12 interesting facts about Legionella!


1.      Legionella evolves into Legionnaire’s Disease, which is a lung infection that evolves from breathing in water droplets which leads to cases of pneumonia.

2.      The optimal temperature for Legionella development is between 25-45 degrees Celsius.

3.      Roughly one in ten people infected with legionella will die.

4.      Legionella is mostly caught in hospitals, hotels, and offices via contaminated water or ventilation systems.

5.      Those who inhale legionella can also contract Pontiac Fever, which is a mild flu that excludes pneumonia.

6.      According to the CDC, the first case of Legionella was discovered because of an outbreak in 1976 due to a convention of the American Legion.

7.      Despite legionella being present in lakes and rivers, you cannot get it from these environments, due to its low amount present in the water.

8.      Legionella can occur in pipe systems when stagnation is allowed to materialise. When this happens, a biofilm within the pipe forms, allowing for the growth of diseases such as legionella.

9.      There is no specific treatment for Legionnaires’ disease, but it can be treated with antibiotics if diagnosed early.

10.  To prevent the spread of Legionella bacteria, it is important to maintain and properly disinfect water systems, and to ensure that the water temperature in hot water systems is above 60 degrees celcius to kill the bacteria

11.  People who are at higher risk of developing Leginonaires’ disease include older adults, smokers, and people with compromised immune systems.

12.  The incubation period for Legionnaires disease is usually 2 – 10 days after exposure to the bacteria.


If you would like to get in contact with us regarding the prevention of legionella, please head here to fill in a form , alternatively, contact us either by phone 0141 280 9585, or by email




1.      WCS Group. Legionella Risk Assessment: everything you need to know. Available at:

2.      NHS Choices. NHS. Available at:  (Accessed: January 6, 2023)  

3.      Legionnaires disease history, burden, and Trends, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:,convention%20of%20the%20American%20Legion.

4.      Legionnaires disease, Pontiac fever fast facts. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Available at:

CDC. Legionella (Legionnaire’s Disease and Pontiac Fever). Available at:,gets%20into%20building%20water%20systems

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