David McEwan
16 Jun 2022
Revealing Water Kinetics Rebrand! A New, Clean and Fresh Look.
Water Kinetics Rebranding
Welcome to our newly transformed website! Over the past 8 months, our Marketing and IT teams have been hard at work to reimagine our branding and company image, and now we are excited to finally be able to reveal it! Of course, quite a lot has changed over the past couple of weeks, and this blog is meant as a mini comparison and reflection between our old and new designs.
Impactful branding is essential for marketing, and we have decided that focus should be purely made on the benefits of our amazing pipe system, coupled with quality images fully displaying each product. For starters, the colours have been completely changed, now favouring a minimalist black and white rather than blue and yellow, which has been carried throughout the website, enhanced by shades of grey and line drawings where appropriate. This is most apparent with prevalent media such as our logos, data sheets, and incoming social media campaigns.
Our new logos:
Our old logo:
The website has also received a vast overhaul both visually and with layout. The layout has been simplified for ease of navigation and to accommodate our fresh design philosophy, as having a rational, simple layout greatly improves customer experience. For example, in our navigation bar, further use of drop-down menus provide ease of access to important documents such as our brochure, data sheets, and product range; this simplified and rational layout is consistent throughout the website, providing a clear user experience when navigating our page.
Another dramatic change also applies to our ‘Products Page’, which now shows minimalist line drawings of our products, and incorporates both the data sheets and NBS clauses for centralisation of data.
Key documents such as our Data Sheets and Specification Clauses have also been reworked, fusing a minimalist, thoughtful layout which display dimensions, weights, benefits, SKU codes, terms and conditions in a beautiful way with the black and white colour scheme. As an additional benefit, the redesign of key documents coincides with our goal for increased sustainability, as less ink used for printing.
Do not worry! The inspirational penguin behind Eco-Duo will continue to be used and has also received a dramatic make-over!
We hope you like our new branding, and we will continue to make positive, consistent changes to our image for years to come!
- Water Kinetics.