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Eco-Duo Products

Continuous Isolation Valve

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Eco-Duo continuous isolation valves are truly innovative. Unlike traditional isolation valves that shut off most of the return flow when engaged. Eco-Duo valves allow continuous re-circulation down-stream of any isolation.

Confluence Tee

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The Eco-Duo Confluence Tee is used to start and finish a system, allowing temporary breaks (for installing water meters, temperature sensors etc.) One branch of the Tee takes the flow pipe, the other the pumped-return pipe and the final branch connects to the  Eco-Duo pipe.

Tap Connector

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Eco-Duo Tap Connectors allow re-circulation right up to the outlet, eliminating dead-legs. Available in 1/2 and 3/4 inch sizes, the tap connectors will fit all taps, showers and TMV's. The Tap Connectors are supplied with and without integrated isolation valves.

45 Degree Elbow

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45 Degree Street Elbow

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90 Degree Elbow

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90 Degree Street Elbow

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Coupling Reducer

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Coupling Street Reducer

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3 Meter Pipe-Work

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Press Slip Coupling

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Straight Coupling

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Reduced Tee Branch

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3/4" BSP Tap Connector Female - 22mm

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Continuous Isolation Valve - Blue Handle

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Continuous Isolation Valve - Red Handle

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1/2" BSP Tap Connector Female - 15mm

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